Changes in Angband 2.9.2: - Fixed several security problems (buffer overflows, tempfile-races, reading files that the player has no permission to read, and incorrect or missing bounds-checking). - Splitted the lib/user/ folder into lib/pref/ for the default "pref files" that are distributed with the game, and lib/user/ (or ~/.angband/Angband/ on multi-user systems) for files created by the user. - Added extra status information (stunned, asleep, ...) when looking at monsters. - Added context sensitive help to the options screen (press '?' to get info about an option). - Made the "hitpoint warning" message orange by default, so that it's easier to spot. - Updated the helpfiles a bit. - The names of the generated vaults are now displayed when the cheat_room option is turned on. - Added support for poison branded ego weapons (but no poison branded weapons exist yet). - The helpfile display now supports links to specific sections of a helpfile. - The helpfile display, knowlegde screen, and message history can now use screens bigger than the default 80x24. - The dungeon coordinates are now displayed when targetting in wizard mode. - Improved error-checking for savefile loading and *_info.txt parsing. - Intrinsic immunities of the player are now displayed in the character sheet. - The "known uniques" list displays the number of killed uniques. - Fixed a bug that messed up the description of the "genocide" artifact activation. - The activation of Avavir works correctly now. - The Bubbles vault no longer has inaccessible areas. - Changed the description for experience drain attacks of monsters. - The random character generation restricts the class to the "legal" choices for the player's race. - The "word of recall" artifact activation didn't check the ironman option. - Exiting Angband explicitly frees all allocated memory now. - Artifacts are now inscribed {indestructible} when the player tries to destroy them and pseudo-id can improve this to {special} or {terrible} later. - Killing Morgoth will now create a down staircase. - Increased the variable size for the weight carried by the player to prevent problems with carrying huge amounts of stuff. - The debug mode command to change the number of items does now properly adjust the weight carried by the player. - The game is now saved before printing the tombstone, not after. That makes cheating by killing the process a little bit harder. - The input is now flushed before verifying casting prayers or spells without enough mana to prevent accidential "overcasting". - Fixed a bug that prevented redefining the keymaps of the number keys from working correctly if the keymap contained another number. - Fixed a bug that allowed the player to see the flavor of an item in a store when examining it. - Fixed a bug that sometimes didn't update the maximum player level correctly. - Made the 'Crown' vault a "Greater vault". - Marked the 'randomize artifacts' options as "beta". - Corrected the displayed duration for "essence of speed" and "globe of invulnerability". - Fixed a bug that could cause the initial offer required when haggling to be wrong. - Fixed a rare bug that could cause the game to lockup when resting in town for a long time. - Fixed the formatting of the object spoilers. - Completely changed the window resizing behaviour in the Windows version. - Added support to use Angband+APWBorg as a screensaver in Windows. - Added support for the new version of the Cygwin compiler for Windows. - Menu entries in the Windows version are now disabled in situations where they don't make sense. - Fixed a bug in the DOS version that caused midi-file playing to stop after the first song. - Updated the Amiga files. - Fixed a compile problem in the Mac version. - The loading of bitmap files in the X11 version is no longer dependent on the byte-order of the machine. - Improved the speed of the gamma-correction code in the X11 version. - Added autoconf support (beta) for Unix/Linux. - Added a compile time option to prevent users from changing the path to the Angband files. - Added very basic support for GTK+. - Exiting the curses version properly cleans up the term now. - The X11/XAW version starts with only one window by default. Changes in Angband 2.9.1v2: -Fixed a bug that allowed the player to gain info about unidentified items. -Changed the default color definition of "light red" so that it doesn't look so similiar to "red". -The gamma-correction code in the Windows version now works correctly. Changes in Angband 2.9.1: -Added color coded messages and more sound events. -Allowed the modification of the various *_info.txt limits without recompiling. -The lib/data/*_info.raw files will be automatically rebuild when the lib/edit/*_info.txt files are changed. -The monster spoilers and the list of known uniques sort the monsters now. -Made player races, player history, shop owners, and race-dependent price adjustments customizable (Prfnoff). -Moved the monster recall information out of the monster race array making room for a lot more monsters (Prfnoff). -Random item abilities of *identified* items are now displayed in character dumps (Prfnoff). -Identify and *identify* spells only affect unidentified items now. -Added a "create artifact" wizard command. -Added optional, case-insensitive searches (can be toggled with the '!' key). -Added an "examine/look at item" command to the stores. -The "examine item" command now shows all known properties of an item, even if it is not *identified*. -Made artifact activations configurable in a_info.txt (Arcum Dagsson). -The last 15 messages are now added to the character dump (Prfnoff). -Reduced the number of option settings printed in character dumps. -Empty slots in the players inventory or home are no longer printed in character dumps. -Added a character death menu (Prfnoff and Ed Cogburn). -Added the ego-item generation patch (Matthias Kurzke). -The date in the high-scores is now saved with four digit years. -The "brand bolts" activation of "Cubragol" now allows the user to select which bolts to brand. -Added 21 new vaults (Chris Weisinger). -The Resistance spell sets the duration for all temporary resistances to the same value now. -Fixed a bug that generated wrong item indices for the home in char-dumps. -The temple will now buy identified blessed blades. -Fixed a bug that allowed monsters to sometimes get double moves, even if the player is faster. -Object and message recall are now correctly refreshed. -Fixed the wizard mode flag display. -The alter command ('+' and easy_open option) no longer tries to bash down doors. -Fixed a bug that caused the effect of aggravate monsters scrolls to skip one monster. -Fixed a bug in the easy-floor option that sometimes displayed wrong labels. -Prices for identified armor with hit, damage, or armor penalities were wrong. -Fixed a bug that allowed the player to recall into rubble. -Screen-dumps are now correctly loaded. -Fixed a bug in the random artifact generation that sometimes caused random artifacts to change. -Fixed a bug that erased pseudo-id in shops even if the item was not sold. -Fixed a wrong message when the player gets killed by poisonous food. -Random artifact diggers are now in the spoilers. -Fixed a bug that messed up objects on the floor when modifying them in debug mode. -The score-penalities are now correctly reset when starting a new character. -Moved some sound-events so that they are played before the associated message is printed. -Opening doors is now properly repeated when the easy_alter option is on. -Modified the monster AI for fleeing monsters a bit. -Fixed a bug that could cause crashes with very long object descriptions. -One highscore entry was sometimes not displayed when the current character was part of the highscore list. -Dumping the options appends to the file now instead of overwriting it. -Modified the spell-tiles assignments for the 8x8 graphics. -The 16x16 tile for the Monadic Deva is now correctly displayed. -The 8x8 tiles for hobbit players are no longer displayed as human warriors. -Fixed some bugs in the lighting code for 16x16 tiles. -Saving a character dump prints now a success (or failure) message. -Trying to destroy an already identified artifact no longer adds the {special} inscription. -Small modification to the docs. -Added documentation for the *_info.txt file format. -Class and race specific *.prf files are now loaded automatically. -Added Ben's code-cleanups and his rewrite of the "panel" and "overhead map" code. -Added a workaround for a bug in the optimizer of the GCC compiler. -Removed several compiler warnings. -Replaced the makefile.emx with the correct version. -Added a makefile for cygwin. -Fixed some problems when compiling Angband without the MONSTER_FLOW and/or MONSTER_AI options. -Removed a bug that caused a wrong error message to be displayed when the mask.bmp file in the Windows version was missing. -Added the IBM pseudo-graphics font. -Updated the pref files for Acorn and Mac. -Added Mark Howson's main-ami.c and Musus Umbra's main-acn.c with several other Acorn support files. -Added newer main-mac.c and graf-mac.prf files that support 16x16 tiles with transparency. -Closing the main-window of the Win32 version while it's minimized now works correctly. -The Windows version now supports multiple samples per sound event. -Added a graphical map to the Windows version. -Added the newest X11 modules by Ben Harrison and Steven Fuerst. -The Windows version now lists the current character in the score display. -Turned on the compile time option that allows players to put an .angband.prf file in their home directory. -Added gamma correction to the Windows version. Changes in Angband 2.9.0: - Chaos resistance no longer automatically grants confusion resistance. All normal items and standard artifacts with chaos resistance now provide confusion resistance as well. - Two-handed swords appear earlier now. - Added an optional point-based character generator. - Added randomized character generation. - Moved the questions about the autoroller, maximize, and preserve mode to a new option screen. - Added an option to display piles of items with a special symbol - Allowed secret doors to be looked or stuck - Items with an '=g' inscription will be automatically picked up - Added options to automatically select the direction when opening doors/chests and disarming traps. - Added an option to display piles of items on the floor as lists. - Arrows break less often now. - Refilling a latern from another latern leaves an empty latern now. Empty laterns are no longer displayed as choice for refilling. - Added random artifacts. Note that importing characters created with older versions of the random artifacts generator is not supported. - Scrolling while targetting. - Improved monster AI. - Increased the maximum number of vaults to 64. - Very high or low speed modifiers no longer cause problems. - Entry into debug, wizard, or borg mode is only confirmed once per character, not once per session. - The debug command 'e' now allows current and maximum experience to be altered. - Boldor, Gabriel, Khamul, Murazor, Tselukas, Draebor, Hoarmurath, Thuringwethil, Omarax, Qlzqqlzuup, and Feagwath can now summon similar monsters. - Master quylthulg, Emperor Quylthulg, Qlzqqlzuup, Murazor, Pazuzu, Lungorthin, Gothmog, Sauron, and Morgoth can now summon greater demons. - Ancalagon the Black can now breath fire. - Objects carried by monsters are now loaded properly. - A command to repeat the last command has been added ('n' in original, ''' in roguelike keyset). - At character creation, some extra difficulty options are available (no artifacts, no stores, no up stairs/recall). - The "special" inscriptions ("cursed", "worthless", "good", ...) are now handled outside the normal inscription system, and so neither overwrite, nor are overwritten by, normal inscriptions. - Made destroyed levels rarer. - The quest monsters (Sauron and Morgoth) are now always generated on levels 99 and 100. - Fixed a bug in the "know complete monster info" cheat option. - The spell-list now uses color. - The disarm traps spell will now work on the locks of doors, revealing secret doors and unlocking locked doors. - The 'detect doors' spell can now detect locked and jammed doors. - Monsters crushed by an earthquake spell are now killed. - Fixed a bug that could cause problems when entering illegal values while haggling with a shopkeeper. - Support for Adam Bolt's tiles. - Support for transparency and lighting effects. - Added class and race dependent player graphics. - Cleaned up the new code introduced in the 2.8.5 beta version. - Fixed the bug with opening a door you are standing on with the easy_open patch. - Random artifacts with chaos resist can now get confusion resist too. - Fixed a bug that added a discount to a cursed item when wielding it. - The fear resistance of level 30+ warriors is now correctly displayed. Compilation changes: - Added a compile.txt file with compile guides for various systems and compilers. - Added a makefile for the free Borland C++ 5.5 compiler. - Removed lots of compiler warnings. - Fixed a problem when compiling Angband on newer (glibc-based) Linux systems. - Added a compile-time option to allow players to put an .angband.prf file in their home directory and have it read on systems where Angband is running set-[ug]id. Default is off. - Added support for compiling a Linux SVGALIB version with graphics. - Added support for the use of the 8x8 and 16x16 tiles in the X11 version. Windows specific changes: - You can select between the "old" tiles, the new tiles, and ASCII mode. - The Windows version no longer requires changes to angband.ini when installing. The angband.ini file will be created when you first start the program, so it doesn't need to be present in the binary archive. That also allows easy updates to newer versions, since the settings in the angband.ini are not overwritten when installing a new version over an old one. - The windows can be resized and the (graphical) tiles will adjust automatically to the new size. - Added the "Show scores" command to the menu. - Fixed a bug that created all files as "read-only" (causing the game to fail when saving the game). - Fixed a bug that caused all numbers to be registered twice by the game, leading to "double-steps". - Fixed a bug that didn't free the used bitmaps correctly when closing the game. DOS-specific changes: - Graphics, sounds, and music options You can switch the graphics/music/sound options from the user menu (press ! to get there). The volume of the sound and the music can be adjusted from 0 (min) to 255 (max). All changes to the screen-resolution and the selection between the old and the new graphical tiles will be active after you restart Angband. - Terminal windows The windows can be activated from the "Angband options screen" (press the '=' key to get there) in the "Window flags" menu. Just toggle the display you want for "Term-1" and "Term-2". - Added a stone-background to the terminals. - Midi jukebox DOS-Angband automatically plays midi-files from the "lib/xtra/music" folder in your Angband-directory. - Sound Events DOS-Angband will play samples from the "lib/xtra/sound" folder to the corresponding Angband-event. You can configure the available samples in the "lib/xtra/sound/sound.cfg" file. Multiple sounds per event are supported. - "Classic mode": If you want the old display, just start Angband with the '-mibm' option ('Angband.exe -mibm').